A mighty three-masted sailing ship glides over smooth seas, with the motto ‘In Hope’. One gets the message quite clearly – that the owner of this seal lives ‘in hope’ that life is sailed upon smooth, peaceful seas. Surely a motto that anyone can appreciate, most especially those of us who’ve experienced life’s rougher waters! This piece is a solid ingot of rich and buttery 18kt yellow gold, made from the mold of an original Georgian-era intaglio seal. After casting the mold, the gold seal is then ‘re-framed’ in a classic Seal & Scribe Signature setting of 18kt white gold, set on an 18kt yellow gold chain, 18". (original seal hailing from Scotland)
Note: This is a custom-order piece and is available in your choice of gold color combinations, and choice of 4-prongs or 8-prongs. Please allow 4-6 weeks production time.
Dimensions: Seal is 15mm x 13mm