Decoding Seal & Scribe’s Hidden Messages
By Amy Elliott

At first glance, Hidden Messages: Passport Edition, Seal & Scribe’s petite new collection of rings named for famous French and Italian Riviera resort towns, appears to be just that: a palmful of pretty gemstone pieces inspired by the area’s most famous destinations (or the joys of travel in general).Seal & Scribe owner Shari Cohen says she arrived at these designs via a circuitous route. The journey, says the San Diego–based designer, began with a hunt for colored gemstones for a future collection of some kind, its concept yet to be determined.
Sourcing the gems from her usual suppliers and bench jewelers was almost like gathering flowers for a bouquet at random, she says: “That’s how I work—it’s very intuitive.”
In other words, the design concept often comes to her later, after she’s had a moment to ponder the possibilities and spend some time with her materials. (“It’s not a conscious thing a lot of the time,” Cohen says.)
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